Potty Training

  1. Always take the puppy out to use the bathroom in the same spot. I use a leash to help them hurry out to the spot, and then ignore them a little until they GO. Then make a big deal out of it, a treat, praise and lots of love and cuddles.
  2. Don’t use puppy pads in the house. It is really confusing to the puppy. They don’t know the difference between a puppy pad and a rug or carpet. USE the litter box, with alfalfa pellets if you are wanting to have a place for them to go in the house. It smells like grass, and they have used it starting at 3 weeks old. So, they will know exactly what to do with it.
  3. During the night you will need to take them out 1-2 times depending on the puppy. Some only need to go out 1 time. Some won’t need to, and some will need to go out 2 times. Start with 2 and see how it goes. (About every 3-4 hours) After 2-3 weeks they will be able to hold it longer at night. Or you can use the play pen, put the crate inside the play pen and leave the door open to the crate so they can go in and out to the litter box when they need to go potty.
  4. Stop water and food intake a few hours before bedtime. So, if they will go to bed at 11pm, then stop water and food around 7-8pm. It will help them hold it longer at night.
  5. Don’t get mad at your puppy if they go in the house. Just nicely hurry them outside to the spot they are supposed to go. If you get angry, they don’t understand and will just be scared to go when you are around.
  6. Do not let your puppy have a big area to roam. Keep them in a smaller area of the house with you in it while they are potty training. If you give them the entire house to go explore then they will find a place to go potty.
  7. I like to “tether” them to me with their leash, if they don’t have a play buddy to be with them. Then they can follow me around the house while I work, and I can look for signs of them trying to tell me that they need to use the bathroom. Watch for them to stiff around in circles.