Crate Training

  1. I start crate training while they are with me. But remember your carte your home… ect. is all new to them. So even if they did good with me, they might struggle for a few days at your house.
  2. Crate time should be a positive experience for you puppy. Practice during the day for short periods at a time. Put in special treats that are just for the crate. A toy, and a special blanket will also help.
  3. If they bark or whine do not let them out until they stop. If you let them out when they are acting this way, then they will do it every time, until you let them out.Don’t leave them in the crate for long periods of time during the day. If you plan to be gone for a long time, use the play pen while they are young (with the litter box in it).
  4. Having a cover, or blanket of the crate can help them feel safe. Leave one side open so they can see out.
  5. Warming up a rice bag, or something that you can put in with them (not to hot!), will help them feel like they have someone to cuddle with.
  6. The crate should not be big. If the puppy has too much room to move around, they might find a place to go potty. You want them to be able to stand up and turn around and that’s about it.
  7. Put the crate near you for the first week or so, until they feel comfortable. If they can see you during the night, or feel you put your hand on the crate during the night, then they will sleep better.
  8. I always recommend practicing crate time or nap time. Please make sure your dog has been potty. Then start with shorter periods for nap time, and then move to longer times as they get older. 2 Hours of a closed crate is a long enough nap for a puppy over 6 months of age. For younger puppies, start with 30-60 minutes twice a day. And a few 15 minute naps.
  9. If they are struggling to nap use a fan or a sound machine to help muffle the sound.