Puppies are just like children, they lose their baby teeth. Their teeth will be really sharp. While they are tiny, they learn a lot about this world through their mouth. So when they come home, they will still want to use their mouth to explore, even if they means exploring you. It is really important for you teach them what NOT to chew on. Don’t let them create bad habits. Set boundaries starting at the first day. If they are chewing on something they shouldn’t be, always replace it with something they CAN chew on… Pig Ear, Toy..ect. Try not to run at your puppy when you are wanting to take something away. Slowly approach them, and gently pull it or hold in place until they back away from it, or let it go. If you pull at it and rip it out of their mouth, they might think it is a game. After they release the item, replace it with a chew toy that is theirs. Remember slow and steady wins the race…Don’t expect them to be perfect overnight. It takes time, but starting the first day will help them learn faster.
Dogs release anxiety and energy by chewing. So always make sure they have something safe for them to chew on.
Their baby teeth will fall out. So don’t be nervous if you find one laying around. Don’t let them use you as a teething toy. Its easier to train them while they are young.